Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So I was going through my post, and realized that I had forgot to update about the little girl that had cancer around her spine. That is right, HAD cancer. I said that barring a miracle it didnt look good. Well God performed a miracle and she is doing well. She is smiley again, and outgoing again. Praise to God.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So for awhile now, I have been thinking about being a 'Temple of God'. I have heard from a very young age, that we are the temple of God, and we need to treat our bodies that way. Is this the best way of taking this text, maybe? As a Christian, this is a temple and should be used to accomplished the goal that God has laid out for it to do, be and what ever else. I also think there is a deeper side to it.

In the Old Testament, the Temple is God's dwelling place among the Israelites. The Temple, was the representation to the nations around Judah. But the nation of Israel, did not keep God commands, and it did not go well with them. They were kicked out of the Land, and put into slavery. The Temple broken down many times, shamed by pagans, and found to be empty. This is how the Jews were living, using the temple to appease God, and worshiping pagan gods.

Many times, I have personally been told that tattoos, piercings, hair styles, and other appearances are not what 'good Christian boys' do. I think that when people say this, they are being to shallow on how they look at how Christians are suppose to live. Just like the Temple of the Old Testament, God wants to dwell in us. He does not judge us by what we look like. It is what is on the inside. We should not just be good looking on the outside, to make people see how good we are. The change that takes place with Christ coming into our lives makes an inward change, and is a heart issue. We can be the most upstanding person infront of the world, but on the inside be a messed up, ugly, unpleasing to God, and empty as the next person. Christ will change a person from the inside out. As a person comes to Christ through the Holy Spirit, He will come in as clean up, making His temple the way it should be. Beautiful, and full of His presence.

Just a thought. Where are you placing the emphasis of God's redemption on your life?


Monday, September 27, 2010

Just thought I would post a quick update. It is Monday morning, and this week should be interesting. Wednesday is comprehensives, and this weekend I am going to Regina to see Heidi. Life is good, but I need to finish up getting ready for class.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Once again, I am having some writers block

Hello Hello,

This past 2 and a half weeks have been very interesting. One, I am a third year. This is an experience that does not feel like I am ready for, nor worthy of. It has brought a huge chunk of humility to my life. I have spent time here for 2 years so far and am here to finish now. Two, the lectures that I have been blessed with this year so far. I have Minor Prophets, Prison Epistles, OT History (Ezra-Esther), Daniel Revelation, and Church History (Reformation-Present). All of these have me wanting to get back to the world and building the Kingdom. The call on the students here this year has been laid out, the profs are not holding anything back. I have seen one of my profs nearly in tears when talking about how some in the church will pour contempt on the youth, when the youth themselves are starting a revival in the church. Growing up, I always hear the youth are the future of the church. They are a valuable part now, the church needs to stop saying they can do good after 25, lets get the youth challenged, and let them bring in a fire that some have lost. Three, I have a freshman roommate that is older than me. He is cool though. Plays guitar, listens to good music, likes loud music, and into sports.

These are just a few things that are happening right now. I am sitting here, trying to right a paper. I find that hard, but can push this out like nothing. Well, I should get back to it. May God bless you all.

Dan Van

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sometimes I do not know why I asked that?

Welcome back everyone!!!

It has been a while since I have posted. I just read the last one and it was back at Millar. Now I have been home for three and a half months and only have 1 left til I go back to finish up this part of the program I am in. So, some might ask what has been going on in my life since my last post. Well many great things, and some very challenging things. All which was brought on by asking God to stretch me this summer. This is a prayer I have found out that He will grant with ease. It all started April 28, I had been home for a week and had work 5 days. At the end of the day my boss told me to sit in the back of the trailer. I had done it before, but still said I would walk around to my car. The boss insisted that I rode in the trailer. When he was pulling out onto the street the trailer hit the curb, nearly tossing me out. I came down on my wrist and felt a pain like I have never felt before. I have been through a lot with playing football and being a little brother, but this was something new. So my boss then made room and got me in the truck. He checked it out and I went home. I got home and Mom was called to take me to the hospital. This is where it set in for me and my mom. Worker's Comp, being the amazing people that they are, are going to pay me, but not what I need to have the funds to go to school. This has been something hard for me to deal with. I like being able to say I am good when it comes to money. God pointed this out to me. I had to trust that somehow school was going to be paid for. This is still something where I do not know where it is coming from. The other thing God really tested me on is actually mentoring someone. This has been something I tend to stay away from. I know I attend Bible college and such, but its scary to be the one that someone is looking to. I have had great mentors in the past, and God really confirmed that this is what I was suppose to do. It has been an amazing growing experience. Since the break, God has shown me that this was all in his plan. Nine weeks after the break I went back to work, and did not find it satisfying. Then 3 weeks after I had worked landscaping again, I got a call from a warehouse job where I worked right after high school, when I had gotten this phone call, it took me off guard. Was I suppose to take it, was it right, would I be happy. So I spent some time in prayer. I ended up taking the job. Two weeks later, I am loving it. It is a blessing, I work around people, I can talk, and blessed with a set time to work. The rest of my life is also going well. Heidi and I have become really close. She is awesome. We have talked about some much. The great thing is she has seen me at my best and my worst, and she is still around. Half of my family just got back from vacation. Mom and Dad went and did a road trip. They had a great time. Aryssa was in BC and got picked up. It is nice to have everyone here at home.

So what is planned for the next month. Spending time with the people I love, working, and getting ready. Nothing to big. I should post again this week.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

This will be the last post from this spot, unless I kick someone out of there chair next year. One of my friends that is graduating said it only gets harder each year. I have come to love these people. They have become my family. I live and eat with them. They have helped me, and me them. Life has changed with these people, and the hurt and joy has brought us together. This is the power of Christ, that we love our brothers and sisters in Christ. Millar is a place of love, and it shows in the people that come out of it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What a Month!!

So it has been nearly a month since I have updated you all. It has been a worldwind of stuff happening. During this time God has let someone else in my life been affected by cancer. This time it hits another family from Millar. This time it was their daughter. They were here for 2 and a half years, and decided to take some time off. A little bit after that, it was found out that their 20 month year old had a tumor on her spine and started to deal with specialists to see what would be the best course. As the looked more, they found the tumor on her spine had grown, filling her pelvic area and had moved into her lungs and one other area. The last update I got, which was last night, barring a miracle from God she doesnt have much time left. They cant even do chemo because of her kidneys not being able to filter it out. Do I believe that God can heal her, I do. Its just hard to see, I have met 3 people in the last 2 years who have been affected with cancer. 2 of them this year, and both rare cases. So please pray for the families.

Other than that life is going well. Finished up my exams today, did some packing and hung out with friends. In a few days I will be back home. It is still hard to believe that next year a get a degree from Millar, and then another year then I go full time into ministry. Time flies fast. Looking back over the last 7 years since I gave my life to the Lord, I have grown, been stretched, but most of all learned to rely on God for everything in life. He has given me things when I need them. I am blessed to be in a spot where I have so many fellow believers around me challenging me to grow.

Talking about gifts from God. I have been blessed, a month and a day ago to start a relationship with someone special. Even though we have not been able to spend much time together, I think we counted 5 days since we started going out that we have seen each other. But she has a heart for God. It has been nice to talk to her a lot. She even came out with Aryssa and Steph to visit me and Tyler here at Millar. This was special. I look forward to when I can see her more often, like in 3 days. Her name is Heidi.

So I am sitting here with most of my room packed up, minus a few stray things. I think to myself, how is it that every time I think I get things figured out God shakes things up. I start to get comfortable and God decides to test me with something. I am not saying its bad, I am enjoying the fact I never know what is coming next. Puts a little more of a twist in life. Plus it makes me put Jesus as the Lord of my life not just my savior. Him being my savior is good, but it needs to be more.

So this is the update of my life. Peace.
Dan Van

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Price

So I was reading something I wrote awhile ago and it just struck me that it needed to be posted

The tree that bears His blood, reminds me of the price.
I was not cheap, but God you want me.
So I give you my all, it is still not enough.

It has stuck with me all day. Just wanted to pass that on to you.

Dan Van

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Taking a Break

Sermon prepping is a lot of fun to do. I am really excited to do this passage. For one thing, I am challenging myself with what I am talking about, secondly, it needs to be said. I am relying on God to give me the strength to get through it. I have spent a good amount of my time in the Bible and commentaries. So today I was working on putting things together for the way I am saying them. It started with a 2 and half hour nap this afternoon. So at 330 I started working on it and did that for 2 hours. Went to supper and when I came back did it some more. Now I am here. With almost my third point done, should be done tonight and able to practice it tomorrow.

That is all for now, Blessings

PS. Some people need to update blogs, I need something to read.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Update on Life

Tis good. Its is really busy these days, but its good, over the next 7 or so weeks everything here at school will be coming to an end. That is the second year of college done. Crazy. It may get busy over the next little while with the amount of work to be done, but eh I am up for a challenge.
So I am like super excited for the weekend of the 12-14. I have a busy weekend, driving Friday, a Promise Keepers event Saturday during the day. Movie that night with a friend. Then Sunday I get to preach back home. It is going to be a fun weekend. Few prayer items for that weekend, First, that my Great Grandma will be healthy enough and that we can get her to church. Secondly that there is safe travel. My Great Grandma is in her late 90's and I would really like it if she was there.
Well I am off,
Dan Van

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hoki Stink Its Been Awhile!

How goes it everyone? God has been blessing me lately. Just with peace and happiness, minus church history. I am not really a fan of studying history. The paper is not horrible, just not my favorite subject. Everything else is going well though. God is awesome. He is always with me. When times are good and bad, even when I think he is far away, he is near. Classes are going well, homework is going well. Tomorrow is a day of prayer and it should be good.

This weekend is Alumni basketball and should be a good weekend. Seeing friends, and watching basketball. Then the weekend after I am out in Weyburn, then I am home for a weekend to preach, then back out to Weyburn, then out to Frontier for a wedding. Man, March is busy, and in like 2 months school is done. But I am going to work on some more homework. Blessing on ya.

Dan Van

Monday, February 1, 2010

Holding On When It Seems Like Nothing Is Left.

I know, second post in one day. This one is justified by the shortness of the other. Today was a hard day. I have been wrestling with God. I want to take my life back over. It is so hard right now. I got myself thinking something may happen with a person, knowing that I should be waiting, and realized that God didn't want that for me. I am still carrying a lot of baggage from my relationship with Cassie. I need to deal with that. It is so hard sometimes, I want for things to get better, but find myself easily following my own way. I do not want to go into a relationship for the sake of being in one. I feel like so many times I am constantly banging my head against the wall. For so long I had someone to be close to, I long for that. I want to have someone to go to, at any time. It still sits in the back of my head, how badly I want an emotional connection with someone.

God gives me strength to make it through. I don't have any idea when I will be ready, I have no idea when the next bad day will come. No clue where the hand will come from then, but I know God will provide one. It's days like today when I feel weak, when I just want to drive until my money or car gives out, get away from the world. Then I think what good would that do? When will I get pulled out of this rut, when will this hurt of being lonely leave? Will I ever feel ready to open up to someone? Yesterday, I felt like I had went so far, now, it feels like my world was shaken just the other day. 3 months, I am happy to be out. Don't get me wrong, I needed out, but days like today still make it hurt even more.

Dan Van

PS. One of my classmates from last year was diagnosed with acute leukemia this weekend. Please pray for him and his family. They are still running a lot of tests on him to see what the best plan of action is.

PSS. Few posts ago, I asked for prayer for fellow Millarites to be able to get into Haiti. This past weekend, the prayers were answered and they got in. Please pray now as they do work in this country that was different then expected when they first planned on going.

A Magnet on a Fridge

This past weekend, I was out in Weyburn. It was a good weekend working at the YFC Drop-in. The biggest change of my mind was eating a cookie in the house I was billeted too. It said, 'Be still and know that I am God'. Little thing, but massive statement. I want to get things in my life moving, do it my way, at my pace, and my comfort. I slow easily forget this. I need to just let go and let God.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jones and Grits

Good Evening,

So tonight I was suppose to meet up with a friend and start working on project for my Theology class. We have been given an opportunity to use our gifts more in this class. So we are working together on writing songs. The first one is on what it means to be human. I have a couple of ideas on where to go, but want to see what God has been laying on Karmyn's heart. The funny thing about all this is Karmyn is trying to get me to sing. I might try, but not sure about that one.

So instead of letting the evening going to waste, I caught up with a friend and talked about what was going on in life. It was a good night of story telling, and poking fun. So it has been a overly good day. I miss being home. Few things going on there that just make me want to be there. I know God is testing me. I love my family, but Millar is where I need to be. I get to go home in a few weeks, so until then I will rely on God to keep my loved ones safe.

So today, was a double whammy on the headache. I am lessening my caffeine intake and I already had one. So classes where a little harder than usual, but made it through. After I did my bike ride (on stationary) I felt a little better. Then this afternoon, I showed up at my mentor's place and he had coffee made. Declining a cup of coffee is just a disrespectful thing to do. So I had 2 cups of good coffee. So on day 2 of this little experiment, 3 cups of coffee and not horrible bad. I may start off my day tomorrow with my usual coffee, or try one more, with even less coffee. Maybe not, I think that is crazy talk.

God Bless,
Dan Van

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chills Down My Spine

I dont get these to often when I am listening to music. Today while I was in the library, I got one when I was listening to Backstabber by Disciple. I have listened to this song so many times, and knew the lyrics. This time, it just kind of hit home more. Even though it is now something I can feel like I can relate to, it did not ruin my day, like it would have before. Now, I know that God put me there for a reason.

"Today is the first day of the rest of my life
I feel the new come in
As I shed my skin
Today is the first day of the rest of my life
I stand on broken chains
That held this better slave"

This is so true. I like the last line, more of the word slave. I have been working through being a slave to God, his Word, the Gospel Message, sin, friends, girlfriends, family, time, thoughts, stereotypes and many other things. Chains to some, I will hold onto, like there is no tomorrow, others need to be melted down and made into something new, something useful. God has moved me to this point, through hurt and tears, smiles and laughter, confusion and deep thought, not know where I would end up. Well I am not at the end, but at least I'm moving in the right direction.

God Bless,
Dan Van

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Warmth of New Beginnings

Happy New Year (and decade),

I have been back at school now for a week and a half. God is already moving in my life. The one big area that he was worked on was my heart towards myself going into cross-cultural missions. WHAT?!?! I never thought I would be open to it. I always felt like God was calling me to Canada. Little did I know that God might change that. Well, I knew He might, but I didn't want it to happen. So, do I know if I will end up going to a people that are not my own? Let's see where this journey will take me.

God has been awesome, and granted me with some peace with an issue. It took a long time, but I now know, I need to be focused on God, before I can ask someone to step beside me in this journey called life. God has put me in a spot where I can grow, but also consider if God has placed someone in my life that would be a perfect running mate. Someone who will grow and encourage, love and help. God has made that person, I still don't know who. So I will still look for my missing rib (I know lame Bible college joke).

God Bless,
Dan Van

PS. Please pray for those in Haiti. Many have been hurt and lost anything. Pray for 2 students from Millar College of the Bible who are leaving tomorrow to go. They are going to do their intership, and it was planned a while ago. God has a plan for this all, they know this, and peace is in their heart. Please also pray for their families, that God would give them peace and know that they are fulfilling the call on their lives.