Sunday, December 20, 2009

I'm Home for Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!
So at the moment, I am sitting in the living room of my parents house. I am at home, relaxing, enjoying my break from school. Don't get me wrong, I like school. The tree in front of me, music on the television, it is nice to know that I can be here, my life the way it is because of Jesus Christ. With each passing year, it becomes less about how much I open, but what I do. I love doing devotions. God speaks, He really does.
Tonight was the first of the gathers of the season. It was awesome, family, supper, games. Just the blessing of spending time with them. God really blessed me.
So remember, not just think about it. Jesus is the reason for the season. (Even if we have our timing off)


Monday, December 14, 2009

Coffee Break

So here we are, Monday evening, I am taking a break from studying. My roommate is pretty tired, so I started to make some coffee. Decided to take this picture. It was like this, I liked the way it looked. A few more moments, then finish up coffee. Then back to studying. Have my Corinthians exam tomorrow morning. Then driving back home for Christmas. This year has a twist to it that it hasn't for many years. There is my family gatherings only. I was thinking about this yesterday. I only need to go to two things. Little slower this year. I like it, but I need to wake up my roomie. Blessings, and Merry CHRISTmas.
Dan Van

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Doing my best Buddy Holly

So this weekend was our Christmas banquet here on campus, The theme was he 50's. It was a good time full of food, swing dance music, greasers, jocks, mobsters, poodle skirts and even a fire. Nice way to finish of the semester. I was going to go as Danny from grease, but my hair at this point is not long enough. So it was my best Buddy Holly impression. Got some guff about not getting rid of my gotee, but I am not ready to part with it yet.

Oh the gotee. I think its awesome, most people don't, but eh its my face right. But need to go study, Peace.

Dan Van

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Today is going awesome. Unlike the other day, when I wanted to put my head through a wall, today started off with a bang. Woke up and God was already at work. Then breakfast and getting ready for the day. Usually when I go to class, I am almost a wake, but today was like nothing before, no coffee or caffeine before hand, but I was awake and bouncing around. So with coffee in hand finished up classes. I am now done till after the break. Have an exam tomorrow, a weekend, then three more on Monday and Tuesday. Then hit the road to come home.
So yea, today is good. God has granted it to me, and I am LOVING IT!!!!! Still gagged when I went on Facebook and saw a status update. Whatever though, what is done is done. So yea chatted with an old friend yesterday and that was good.
But I need to go study, Blessings

Monday, December 7, 2009

Head/Wall, Not usually a good combo

Good day,
Some days I find easier to put my head through a wall, then think straight. I am pretty sure that this is the effects of have not staying single for an extended amount of time after my last couple of relationships. It has only been a month and a half, but sometimes feel like much longer than that. The whole struggle with finding everything in Christ is really a day to day thing. I miss things about being in relationships, but I know for now, that I need to be single. I need get right with God, and not want to put my head through a wall every second day. This gets hard, when habits of knowing that someone is always there kick in, but when that person is not there. Have I been hiding in relationships from who I really am. Am I still dealing with needing to feel loved? Some days it feels like it, others I know Jesus is with me. I know that my family loves me, I know there is love all around. Why do I feel like I need a girlfriend to feel loved? Well the train keeps moving, and lets see whats around the next bend.
Dan Van